Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well well, it is the end of term 3 already.
Learning fest the past two days. Didn't seem as impressive as last year.
Caught a glimpse of my results slip. Slight improvement, but long way to go.
I wanna do super well for my EOY! Must have faith and strength, wisdom and God.

Since it is Wednesday today, people have been commenting about me looking stress the past few days.
Just today.

Reuben:"Look at her stress face"
*talking to weiyang, referring to me.
Vic: * I just smiled at him.

Later today,

Joy:"How's school? You look super stress."
Vic:"Yeah, lots of things, lots of work."

Honestly, I didn't think I was in much stress but I am aware that I have been doing alot this term.
Surviving on very little sleep with so much work to do probably lead me to self denial.
Plus also the stupid shit I faced a few weeks back.
I honestly did not think I am so stress until people started saying I was.
Now that I am thinking, maybe I might be.
But then life goes on. So, no point thinking about such stuff.

Talking about joy, me and deb popped by her workplace today.
Deb was frying her hand with the display lights in the shops and she and joy are alien friends.
And we took a very long while to decide on my mum's gift, okay, maybe I was the fussy one.
But I am happy with my decision. :)
Maybe in future will pop by more often.

If you manage to read until here, I salute you for you perseverance of my wordy post bout my boring life.

Mum just got home with some flowers and blogger is super laggy today.

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